PRINCIPALS: Please Share These Minutes with Your Athletic Director
Regular Meeting of PIAA District 6 – April 19, 2012
Chairman Wotkowski called the meeting of the District 6 Committee to order at 4:00 PM at the Blair County Convention Center. Present were: Raymond Wotkowski, Kenneth Bussard, Ralph Cecere Jr., Kim Hubler, Gary Jubas, Thomas Kakabar, Norman Krumenacker, Dean Rossi, David Crumrine, Kathy Getz, Charles Glasser, Donald Hosterman, Michael Hudak, William Marshall, James Price, Kenneth Salem, Curtis Whitesel and Alberta Ake. Bradley Cashman was a guest.
On a motion by Norman Krumenacker and Alberta Ake, the minutes from the March 13, 2012 meeting were approved.
Financial Reports
On a motion by Thomas Kakabar and David Crumrine, the Committee unanimously approved the March 2012 Financial Report.
On a motion by Donald Hosterman and Charles Glasser, the Committee approved the Basketball Financial Report presented by Thomas Kakabar.
On a motion by Ralph Cecere and Kim Hubler, the Committee approved to reimburse District 6 schools from the basketball revenue, for the presale of tickets that were sold for the basketball championship games.
A motion was made by Dean Rossi and Curtis Whitesel to send a $721.50 check to State College for their 60% reimbursement from the District 9 football championship game.
Good sportsmanship is something that is taught, modeled and reinforced.
Michael Hudak and Kathy Getz reviewed the below-listed disqualification forms:
BV Lacrosse State College player spearing
Eligibility Hearings
On a motion by James Price and William Marshall, Damian Hess, transferring from Red Lion to Bald Eagle, was granted eligibility to participate in athletics at Bald Eagle with a vote of 18-0.
Foreign Exchange Eligibility Hearings
On a motion by Alberta Ake and Kenneth Bussard, the following foreign exchange students having the proper documents were approved to participate in sports.
Gustavo Riperto Volleyball Panama
A motion was made by Curtis Whitesel and David Crumrine to award four $500.00
sportsmanship scholarships (2 male and 2 female). The motion passed with a vote of 18-0.
Tournament directors reported updates to the Committee for baseball, softball, track and tennis. If you have any questions regarding any of these sports you can contact the tournament directors listed in the D-6 Handbook.
The Officials Convention is scheduled for August 3 and 4, 2012, at the Downtown Hilton in Harrisburg.
The Annual Membership Banquet was held at the Blair County Convention Center in Altoona, at 6:00 PM this date. Chairman Wotkowski, the Master of Ceremonies, welcomed guests and introduced the District 6 Committee members. Bradley Cashman reviewed the proposed amendments to the PIAA Constitution. Chairman Wotkowski presented words and gifts of District 6 appreciation to Mr. Cashman in recognition of his service and retirement. Dr. Crumrine recognized Chairman Wotkowski for his years of service and gave the invocation.
D-6 Sportsmanship medals were distributed at the annual meeting. Included in the minutes are the names of nominees that were submitted from each District 6 school. The following athletes were chosen to receive a monetary scholarship from the District 6 Committee:
A special thank you goes out to the election committee, Portage, State College and Bishop McCort, for counting the 2012 election ballots. The election results are as follows:
Senior High Representatives serving for a one-year term beginning 2012/2013
David Crumrine – Central Thomas J. Kakabar – Penns Manor
Michael Vuckovich – Greater Johnstown Ralph Cecere Jr. – Portage Area
Curtis Whitesel – Mount Union William Marshall – Penn Cambria
Junior High Representatives to serve out the 2012/2013 school year for a previously elected (Ray Wotkowski) middle high school principal.
David Caldwell – Cambria Heights
Athletic Director’s Representative serving for a two-year term beginning 2012/2014
Dean Rossi – Hollidaysburg
The next meeting of the PIAA District 6 Committee will be held on
Tuesday, May 8, 2012, in the library at Hollidaysburg Area High School starting at 3:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sherry Montgomery Secretary/Treasurer