PRINCIPALS: Please Share These Minutes With Your Athletic Director
Regular Meeting of PIAA District 6 – September 9, 2004
Amendment of Minutes
Chairman Wotkowski called the meeting of the District 6 Committee to order at 3:30 PM at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School. Present were Committee members Ray Wotkowski, Albert D’Ambrosia, Dean Rossi, Michael Sakash, Don Hosterman, Vince Nedimyer, Dave Heim, Gary Jubas, Alberta Ake, Thomas Kakabar, Susan Werner, Kathy Getz, James Price, and Norman Krumenacker.
Approval of Minutes
Vince Nedimyer and Alberta Ake approved the minutes of the August 3, 2004 meeting.
Financial Reports
On a motion by Dean Rossi and David Heim, the Committee unanimously approved the July/August Financial Report.
Eligibility Hearings
Based on the consensus of the sending and receiving principal’s signatures these eligibility transfers were approve with the following motions:
On a motion by Susan Werner and Michael Sakash an eligibility hearing was held for Matthew Baronner, transferring from Hollidaysburg to Bishop Guilfoyle High School, eligibility was granted for basketball and track based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8A with a vote of 12-0-1, Dean Rossi abstain.
On a motion by Albert D’Ambrosia and Don Hosterman an eligibility hearing was held for Eric Resig, transferring from Altoona to Bishop Guilfoyle High School, eligibility was granted for basketball based on Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8A with a vote of 12-0-1, Vince Nedimyer abstain.
On a motion by Gary Jubas and Norman Krumenacker an eligibility hearing was held for David Brown, transferring from Forest Hills to Bishop Carroll High School, eligibility was granted for football and track based on Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8A with a vote of 12-0-1, Ray Wotkowski abstain.
On a motion by Albert D’Ambrosia and Don Hosterman an eligibility hearing was held for Zakahry Comisac, transferring from Blacklick Valley to Bishop Carroll High School, eligibility was granted for football and basketball based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8 with a vote of 13-0.
On a motion by Dean Rossi and David Heim an eligibility hearing was held for Matthew Thornton, transferring from Penns Manor to Bishop Carroll High School, eligibility was granted for football and track and field based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8, with a 13-0 vote.
On a motion by Gary Jubas and Susan Werner an eligibility hearing was held for Brian Sidone, transferring from Richland to Central Cambria High School, eligibility was granted for golf based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8, Waiver.
On a motion by Kathy Getz and Susan Werner an eligibility hearing was held for Nathan Gerber, Bishop Carroll High School, eligibility was granted for football and basketball based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8, with a 13-0 vote.
On a motion by Michael Sakash and Dean Rossi an eligibility hearing was held for Abdula Wadley, transferring from Greater Johnstown to Bishop McCort High School, eligibility was granted for football and basketball based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8, with a 13-0 vote.
The eligibility of Demetrius Atwell was tabled until Chairman Wotkowski received the documentation needed to proceed with the transfer request from State College.
Foreign Exchange Eligibility Hearings
On a motion by Kathy Getz and David Heim, the following foreign exchange students are eligible for athletics:
Stephanie Bischoff Germany Forest Hills Track
Ling Wu Germany Forest Hills Volleyball
Andy Nagel Germany Forest Hills Baseball, soccer, and track
Peter Kylin Sweden Forest Hills Soccer, basketball, and track
Josefone Broesicke Germany Juniata Valley Volleyball
Sven Mross Germany Juniata Valley Football
Brede Bohn Norway Ferndale Football and soccer
Rebekka Werther Germany Bellefonte Volleyball
Josephine Heusser Germany Huntingdon Volleyball
Sung-Wook Hong Korea Penns Valley Basketball and soccer
Michael Meier Germany Penns Valley Soccer
Joao Lima Brazil Penns Valley Soccer
Stephen Struwe Germany Westmont Soccer
On a motion by Kathy Getz and David Heim, the following foreign exchange students are eligible for athletics pending receipt of examination card and copy of visa, please send the items to Ray Wotkowski:
Nichole Meythaler Germany Central Tennis
Horisberger Anjuli Switzerland Central Tennis
Nikola Dzhunilov Bulgaria West Branch
Jose Rodriguez Mexico Bishop Carroll
Alejando Garza Mexico Bishop Carroll
The District 6 Committee received a letter from Jeffrey A Baird, Assistant Principal, informing the Committee of use of an ineligible player on Friday, September 3, 2004, during a football game between Penn Cambria and Bishop McCort. A motion was made by Norman Krumenacker and Kathy Getz to accept the actions taken by Penn Cambria High School.
Ken Bussard from Central Cambria High School and Craig Butler from State College High School was interview for the open position on the District 6 Committee. Craig Butler will be joining the District 6 Committee, filling the vacancy left by Jules Dill.
We are trying to gather the email addresses for all the principals in District 6. Please send your email address to Sherry Montgomery at
Included in the minutes are date revisions for soccer and girls volleyball. If you have any other questions regarding dates of tournaments, please contact the tournament director listed in your handbook.
An article from the Tribune-Democrat newspaper was distributed and discussed by committee members.
Roger Herto, on behalf of the Mifflin County School, presented a second request to District 6 Committee to transfer to District 4. He indicated that Mifflin County School District plans to move on to the PIAA Board of Control level regardless of the District 6 position. Norman Krumenacker explained to Mr. Herto that he should reconsider his position and make a proper presentation bringing with him any cost analysis or information as to why such a move would be appropriate. Mr. Herto was invited back to the PIAA District 6 October meeting.
The next meeting of the PIAA District 6 Committee will be held on Tuesday, October 5, 2004 at 3:30 PM at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry Montgomery