PRINCIPALS: Please Share These Minutes With Your Athletic Director
Regular Meeting of PIAA District 6 – August 3, 2004
Chairman Wotkowski called the meeting of the District 6 Committee to order at 10:00 AM at the Scotch Valley Country Club. Present were Committee members Ray Wotkowski, Albert D’Ambrosia, Dean Rossi, Michael Sakash, Don Hosterman, Vince Nedimyer, Dave Heim, David Crumrine, Alberta Ake, Thomas Kakabar, Susan Werner, Kathy Getz, Kim Struble, and Norman Krumenacker.
Approval of Minutes
Thomas Kakabar and Alberta Ake approved the minutes of the June 16, 2004 meeting.
Financial Reports
On a motion by Don Hosterman and Vince Nedimyer, the Committee unanimously approved the June Financial Report.
Eligibility Hearings
Based on the consensus of the sending and receiving principal’s signatures these eligibility transfers were approve with the following motions:
On a motion by Kim Struble and Michael Sakash an eligibility hearing was held for Andrew Schellhammer, Richland High School, eligibility was granted for football based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8A, Waiver.
On a motion by David Crumrine and Vince Nedimyer an eligibility hearing was held for Jebidiah Barnouski, Forest Hills High School, eligibility was granted for football and baseball based on Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8A with a vote of 12-1, Ray Wotkowski abstain.
On a motion by Dave Heim and Norman Krumenacker an eligibility hearing was held for Paul Vandevandor, Bellwood Antis High School, eligibility was granted for football based on Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8B with a vote of 11-0, Michael Sakash, Alberta Ake, and Vince Nedimyer abstain.
On a motion by Albert D’Ambrosia and David Crumrine an eligibility hearing was held for Amanda Seymour, Bishop Carroll High School, eligibility was granted for cross country, basketball, and track and field based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8, Waiver.
On a motion by Kim Struble and Vince Nedimyer an eligibility hearing was held for Edward Drezewieski, Bishop Carroll High School, eligibility was granted for football and track and field based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8, Waiver.
On a motion by Norman Krumenacker and Susan Werner an eligibility hearing was held for Nicholas MacKanick, Bishop Carroll High School, eligibility was granted for football and basketball based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8, Waiver.
On a motion by Kim Struble and Susan Werner an eligibility hearing was held for Nathan Gerber, Bishop Carroll High School, eligibility was granted for football and basketball based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8, Waiver.
Foreign Exchange Eligibility Hearings
On a motion by Don Hosterman and Norman Krumenacker, Roger Claudius, a foreign exchange student from Germany attending Richland High School will be eligible for athletics pending receipt of the examination card.
The District 6 Committee approved a request for a cooperative sports agreement in wrestling between Penns Valley Area School District and Our Lady of Victory School. This junior high level cooperative sports sponsorship is designated for the 2004-05 and 2005-06 school years.
Include with this month minutes are copies of the revised Athletic Waiver Request Form and Foreign Exchange Student Eligibility that need to be use for approval from the District 6 Committee, PIAA Handbook and principal passes.
The District 6 Committee would like to recommend that all school districts have at each sporting event a person who is trained to operate the AED Emergency Defibrillator in case an emergency should arise. An article is enclosed for you to read in regards to this recommendation.
A discussion will be held at the next Athletic Directors meeting on September 22, 2004, in the library at Central Cambria High School regarding moving football season to start one week early. Principals will be receiving an email from Vince Nedimyer, Football Tournament Director, asking for their opinion on this matter.
Gary Walstrom from Glendale High School was interview for the open position on the District 6 Committee. Two other candidates will be invited to the September 9th meeting.
We are trying to gather the email addresses for all the principals in District 6. Please send your email address to Sherry Montgomery at
The next meeting of the PIAA District 6 Committee will be held on Thursday, September 9, 2004 at 3:30 PM at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry Montgomery