PRINCIPALS: Please Share These Minutes With Your Athletic Director
Regular Meeting of PIAA District 6 – June 16, 2004
Chairman Wotkowski called the meeting of the District 6 Committee to order at 10:00 AM at the Cottage Restaurant in Ebensburg. Present were Committee members Ray Wotkowski, Albert D’Ambrosia, Dean Rossi, Michael Sakash, Don Hosterman, Jules Dill, Vince Nedimyer, Charles Koren, Dave Heim, David Crumrine, Alberta Ake, Thomas Kakabar, Susan Werner, Kathy Getz, and Gary Jubas. Also present were invited guests, William Reimer, Tom Musselman and Tom Elling.
Approval of Minutes
Vince Nedimyer and David Crumrine approved the minutes of the May 6, 2004 meeting.
Dave Heim and Kathy Getz reviewed reports regarding Baseball player and coach disqualifications. The District 6 Committee would like to commend Ronald Spricher, Athletic Director, Indian Valley, for his immediate and thorough actions in regards to an incident that occurred at the Indian Valley and Huntingdon baseball game.
Financial Reports
On a motion by Michael Sakash and Susan Werner, the Committee unanimously approved the May Financial Report.
On a motion by Charles Koren and Susan Werner, the Fee Structure for Committee Members was approved as submitted by Dean Rossi with the approved corrections.
On a motion by Kathy Getz and Susan Werner, the Committee approved the Baseball Financial Report given by tournament director, David Crumrine. Class A winner: Mount Union; Class AA: Huntingdon; and Class AAA: Indian Valley. David Crumrine felt the success of the baseball tournament was due to the championships being held at the Altoona Curve Blair County Ball Park,
On a motion by Don Hosterman and Thomas Kakabar, the Committee approved the Softball Financial Report given by tournament director, Albert D’Ambrosia. Class A winner: Moshannon Valley; Class AA: Bald Eagle; and Class AAA: Bellefonte.
Track and Field Financial Report was given by Tom Musselman, tournament director. It costs the District 6 Committee approximately $5000.00 to run the Track and Field tournaments each year. On a motion by Don Hosterman and David Crumrine the financial report was approved.
On a motion by Thomas Kakabar and Susan Werner, the Committee approved the position for ticket manager for basketball. Thomas Kakabar will fill that position.
On a motion by David Heim and David Crumrine, Jules Dill will be given a retirement gift from the District 6 Committee. Mr. Dill served on the Committee for 20 years.
District 6 Sports Reports
The following reports were given:
Golf – Dean Rossi Girls and Boys Tennis – Dean Rossi
Track and Field – Tom Musselman Volleyball – Kathy Getz
Softball – Ray Wotkowski Baseball – David Crumrine
Basketball – Michael Sakash Wrestling – Don Hosterman
Eligibility Hearings
There were no eligibility hearings.
Foreign Exchange Eligibility Hearings
There were no foreign exchange eligibility hearings.
Please forward your 2004 Varsity Football schedule to TOM ELLING at 220 South Fairview Street, Lock Haven, PA 17745, as soon as possible.
The survey that was sent to all District 6 superintendents asking for their input on implementing changes for all sports in accordance with classifications has been tailed. Thirty-three of the fifty-two superintendents responded with 64% wanting to keep the existing leagues and play-off format without change. Enclosed is a copy of the survey with these minutes. There will be no further action taken by the District 6 Committee.
An election will be held to fill the position left vacant due the retirement of Jules Dill. Interested Senior High Principals should send a letter of interest to Sherry Montgomery, 275 Montgomery Lane, Duncansville, PA 16635, on school letterhead before July 15th. Applicants will then be asked to attend the August meeting for an interview with the District 6 Committee. The applicant will finish Mr. Dill’s term and then run for reelection in April 2005.
On a motion by Vince Nedimyer and Dean Rossi, Southern Huntingdon High School was nominated as the recipient of the Senior High Sportsmanship Award for 2004. Charles Koren and Vince Nedimyer made the motion to nominate Huntingdon Jr. High School as the Sportsmanship Award winner for the Junior High Schools.
The next meeting of the PIAA District 6 Committee will be held on Tuesday, August 3, 2003 at 10:00 AM at the Scotch Valley Country Club, Hollidaysburg, PA.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry I. Montgomery
Sherry Montgomery