PRINCIPALS: Please Share These Minutes With Your Athletic Director
Regular Meeting of PIAA District 6 – February 12, 2004
Call to Order of the February 12, 2004, Meeting
Chairman Wotkowski called the meeting of the District 6 Committee to order at 4:00 PM at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School. Present were: Ray Wotkowski, Dean Rossi, Michael Sakash, Charles Koren, David Heim, David Crumrine, Don Hosterman, Jules Dill, Alberta Ake, Kathy Getz, Thomas Kakabar, Kim Struble, Norman Krumenacker III, Gary Jubas, and James Price.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the January 8, 2004, were approved on a motion by Jules Dill and Dean Rossi.
Kathy Getz and David Heim reviewed disqualification reports of basketball players.
Chairman Wotkowski informed the Committee that team golf for boys and girls has been eliminated.
Chairman Wotkowski received a letter from Richland High School with a request to play within classifications. On a motion by Gary Jubas and Dean Rossi a subcommittee was form to investigate their request and develop a survey that will be sent to all District 6 schools. Subcommittee members will be David Crumrine, Ray Wotkowski, Charles Koren, and Dean Rossi.
Chairman Wotkowski received a letter from Altoona Area High School requesting 10 minute quarters for junior high football. On a motion by Michael Sakash and James Price an optional playing time of 10 minutes per quarter for ninth grade football is permitted if both school agree.
Financial Reports
On a motion by Don Hosterman and Alberta Ake, the Committee unanimously approved the January Financial Report.
Eligibility Hearings
There were no eligibility hearings.
Foreign Exchange Eligibility Hearings
There were no foreign exchange hearings.
District 6 Sports Reports
Don Hosterman – Wrestling – The Regional AA Wrestling will be held at the War Memorial in Johnstown, PA, on Thursday, February 26th, and Friday, February 27th. Dave Heim and David Crumrine made a motion to accept the Team Dual Wrestling Financial Report.
Michael Sakash – Basketball – Brackets for playoffs were handed out to the Committee members.
Jules Dill and David Heim made a motion not to allow playoff games to determine a league championship after the start of the District 6 Tournament. The District 6 Committee has agreed to redo the wording for basketball guidelines for next year.
Dean Rossi – Track and Field - Tom Musselman has requested that District 6 purchase a Dell Latitude laptop computer, HP LaserJet 1300 Printer, and Router/Hub/Receiver to be used at the state level of competition. On a motion by Gary Jubas and Michael Sakash, the Committee voted to allot $3000.00 for the purchase.
Dean Rossi and David Crumrine made a motion for the Javelin not to be thrown at the junior high Track and Field meets by 7th, 8th, and 9th grade athletes. The Committee voted and agreed with their recommendation.
On a motion by David Crumrine and Jules Dill the Committee accepted the Girls Volleyball Financial Report given by Kathy Getz.
PIAA Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Friday, March 19 and Saturday, March 20th at the Hershey Lodge.
Norman Krumenacker and Gary Jubas will review the manual for clarification on confidentiality for the District 6 Committee.
Candidates must hold an administrative position in the school district in their respective category for the following positions(s).
ü Nominations will be received from March 1 through March 15, 2004
ü Ballots will be sent to principals on March 18, 2004
ü Ballots will be sent to athletic directors on March 18, 2004
ü Ballots must be received by 3:00 PM on Monday, April 12, 2004
Election Committee will open the sealed ballots and tally the results at the annual meeting on April 13, 2004.
The next meeting of the PIAA District 6 Committee will be held on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 at 4:00 PM at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sherry Montgomery