PRINCIPALS: Please Share These Minutes With Your Athletic Director
Regular Meeting of PIAA District 6 – November 10, 2004
Call to Order of the November 10, 2004, Meeting
Chairman Wotkowski called the meeting of the District 6 Committee to order at 3:30 PM at the Hollidaysburg Area High School. Present were: Ray Wotkowski Dean Rossi, Al D’Ambrosia, Michael Sakash, Susan Werner, Thomas Kakabar, Vince Nedimyer, Kathy Getz, Alberta Ake, Gary Jubas, Charles Koren, Norman Krumenacker, Kim Struble, Dave Heim, and Craig Butler.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the October 5, 2004, were approved on a motion by Norman Krumenacker and Alberta Ake.
Financial Reports
On a motion by Michael Sakash and Norman Krumenacker, the Committee unanimously approved the October Financial Report.
Vince Nedimyer and Susan Werner made a motion to accept the Cross Country Financial Report prepared by Don Hosterman and presented to the Committee by Albert D’Ambrosia.
Dean Rossi and Susan Werner made a motion to accept the District VI Audit Report prepared by Barnes, Saly & Company.
Eligibility Hearings
Based on the consensus of the sending and receiving principal’s signature these eligibility transfers were approve with the following motions:
On a motion by Albert D’Ambrosia and Susan Werner an eligibility hearing was held for Eric An slinger, transferring from Westmont to Bishop McCort High School, eligibility was granted for basketball based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8 with a vote of 14-0-1, Charles Koren abstain.
On a motion by Thomas Kakabar and Michael Sakash an eligibility hearing was held for Joshua Mercer, transferring from Altoona to Claysburg-Kimmel High School, eligibility was granted for wrestling based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8 with a vote of 13-0-2, Alberta Ake and Vince Nedimyer abstain.
On a motion by Kim Struble and Craig Butler an eligibility hearing was held for Dustin Banks, transferring from Huntingdon to Southern Huntingdon High School, eligibility was granted for wrestling based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8 with a vote of 15-0.
On a motion by Michael Sakash and Charles Koren an eligibility hearing was held for Jared Sister, transferring from Bald Eagle to State College Area High School, eligibility was granted for wrestling based on a waiver of Article VI, Transfer and Residence, Section 8 with a vote of 13-0-2, Craig Butler land Susan Werner abstain.
Foreign Exchange Eligibility Hearings
On several motions, the following foreign exchange students are eligible for athletics:
Jana Seklejtschuk Germany Richland Basketball (Kathy Getz & Thomas Kakabar)
Maike Jacobs Germany Ligonier Valley Volleyball (Alberta Ake & Kathy Getz)
Andrea Raven Germany Westmont Girls Volleyball (Susan Werner & Charles Koren)
Yumie Tamura Japan Juniata Valley Volleyball (David Heim & Charles Koren)
Jessica Cordova Bolivia Williamsburg Basketball was approved on a motion by Susan Werner and Albert D’Ambrosia pending Mr. Wotkowski receiving the evidence of the examination form.
Review of Disqualifications
It has been brought to the District 6 Committee that the PIAA Sportsmanship Code is not being promoted enough. It is the intent that the PIAA Sportsmanship Code be emphasized aggressively among the schools. Please see to it that your school actively cooperates.
B Soc Penns Valley player handling ball in goal
B Soc Forest Hills player unsporting contact scissor take down
B Soc Johnstown player unsporting pushing opponent after goal
B Soc Altoona player unsporting contact tackle during play
B Soc Altoona player unsporting taunting after game
B Soc Hollidaysburg player unsporting contact after game
B Soc Westmont player unsporting contact reckless foul
G Soc Central Mountain player handling ball in goal
G Soc Lewistown player unsporting foul language
JV G Soc Bellefonte player unsporting contact during goal try
FB United player unsporting kicking opponent
FB Bellefonte player unsporting punched opponent
JV FB Philipsburg-Osceola player unsporting punched opponent
JH FB Philipsburg-Osceola player unsporting punched opponent
FB Central player unsporting punched opponent
Norman Krumenacker provided the Committee with information on Emancipation in Pennsylvania. A copy is included with the minutes.
The committee had a discussion to amend the time rule for the start of the cross-country meets.
On a motion by Vince Nedimyer and Charles Koren, Roy Harpster was given a gift certificate in the amount of $50.00 for his 10 years of service as a softball rules interpreter.
On a motion by Vince Nedimyer and Michael Sakash, West Branch will contact Philipsburg to go over their guidelines on how to handle their coop arrangements regarding athletes.
Approval was granted, on a motion by Charles Koren and Kathy Getz, for The Laurel Highlands Athletic Conference to have three league championship games. One would be for girls’ volleyball and basketball, and one for boys’ basketball. These games would be played before the District deadline in each sport.
The next meeting of the PIAA District 6 Committee will be held on Wednesday, December 15, 2004, at 4:00 PM at the Scotch Valley Country Club.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sherry I. Montgomery
Sherry Montgomery