PRINCIPALS: Please Share These Minutes With Your Athletic Director
Regular Meeting of PIAA District 6 – January 6, 2005
Chairman Wotkowski called the meeting of the District 6 Committee to order at 3:30 PM at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School. Present were: Ray Wotkowski, Alberta Ake, David Crumrine, Albert D’Ambrosia, Don Hosterman, Vince Nedimyer, Thomas Kakabar, Kathy Getz, Craig Butler, Norman Krumenacker, Gary Jubas, Charles Koren, Dean Rossi, Michael Sakash, Kim Struble, and Susan Werner.
Approval of Minutes
On a motion from David Crumrine and Vince Nedimyer, the minutes of the December 16th and December 20th addendum meetings were approved.
Financial Reports
On a motion by Dean Rossi and Susan Werner, the Committee unanimously approved the December Financial Report.
Terry Shook, Barnes Saly Representative, will send a letter to the Committee in regards to a three-year contract and the cost per year for that service.
It has been brought to the District 6 Committee that the PIAA Sportsmanship Code is not being promoted enough. It is the intent that the PIAA Sportsmanship Code be emphasized aggressively among the schools. Please see to it that your school actively cooperates.
Eligibility Hearings
Based on the consensus of the sending and receiving principals’ signature this eligibility transfer was approved with the following motion.
On a motion by Susan Werner and Don Hosterman, Corey Smith, transferring from Johnstown to Conemaugh Valley, is eligible for sports based on Article VI, Section 10, Transfer and Residence, with a vote of 16-0, contingent upon Mr. Wotkowski receiving receipt of the correct form listing the five areas of eligibility.
Athletic Directors are reminded to please use the new form with the checklist for “Athlete Transfers Waiver Request”. Athletic Directors need to forward the FIVE areas of eligibility with the athletic transfer request. The five areas of eligibility for transfer are as follows: attendance, residence, academic, age, and semester of eligibility or appear before the District 6 Committee
Foreign Exchange Eligibility Hearings
There were no foreign exchange eligibility hearings.
Any school that has not received their packet of information regarding basketball or wrestling playoffs should contact the tournament director for that sport. Packets were sent out to the schools on January 6, 2005.
Dates for first round of basketball for boys and girls are as follows:
February 23rd AAAA
February 25th 3 games
February 26th 5 games
Chairman Wotkowski received a letter from Thomas Hunter, Cross Country Coach, Forest Hills High School, asking the committee to consider a regional competition, with 3 teams and 15 individuals being able to advance to the State Meet or to have a separate District 5 Meet. This will be discussed at the February meeting.
Chairman Wotkowski received a letter from Jeffrey Baird, Athletic Director, Penn Cambria High School, informing the Committee that Penn Cambria violated the six consecutive contest, practice, and/or tournament rule in varsity wrestling.
The next meeting of the PIAA District 6 Committee will be held on Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 3:30 PM at the Hollidaysburg Area High School.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sherry Montgomery
Sherry Montgomery