PRINCIPALS: Please Share These Minutes with Your Athletic Director
Regular Meeting of PIAA District 6 – October 4, 2005
Chairman Wotkowski called the meeting of the District 6 Committee to order at 3:30 PM at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School. Present were: Raymond Wotkowski, Dean Rossi, Albert D’Ambrosia, David Crumrine, Don Hosterman, Vince Nedimyer, Alberta Ake, Gary Jubas, Norman Krumenacker, Thomas Kakabar, Susan Werner, Kenneth Bussard, James Price, Craig Butler, Kathy Getz, Kim Struble and Michael Hudak.
Approval of Minutes
On a motion by David Crumrine and James Price, the minutes of the September 8, 2005 were approved. There were two corrections to the September minutes: Josh Conti’s eligibility was tabled until the October meeting and Justin Baumgardner was granted eligibility.
Michael Hudak and Kathy Getz reviewed the below-listed disqualification forms. It has been brought to the attention of the District 6 Committee that the PIAA Sportsmanship Code is not being promoted enough. It is the intent of the Committee that the PIAA Sportsmanship Code be emphasized aggressively among the schools. Please see to it that your school actively cooperates.
FB Blairsville Asst. Coach 2nd unsporting profanity
FB Blairsville Head Coach 3rd sideline violation
FB Saltsburg Player unsporting
JVFB Bishop McCort Player 2nd unsporting profanity
JHFB Johnstown Player unsporting kicked opponent
G Soc Huntingdon Player unsporting profanity
B Soc Cambria Heights Player unsporting violent hit
B Soc Lewistown Player unsporting violent hit
B JVSoc Altoona Player unsporting violent hit
Chairman Wotkowski received a letter from Randy Wilson requesting that the District 6 Committee consider separate races for the District 6 and District 5 Cross Country Championships. On a motion by Norman Krumenacker and Susan Werner, the Cross Country Championship will be split.
A motion was made by Craig Butler and Vince Nedimyer to have Chairman Wotkowski contact the Principal of Blairsville High School regarding an incident that occurred at the Blairsville vs. United football game.
On a motion by Albert D’Ambrosia and Kenneth Bussard, Chairman Wotkowski will contact Blacklick Valley regarding comments the coach made to a newspaper reporter.
On a motion by Kenneth Bussard and Thomas Kakabar, the District 6 will expand to a 16-team format in Class A football playoffs for the next two-year cycle.
Chairman Wotkowski received a letter from newspaper writer regarding an incident with an official. On a motion by Thomas Kakabar and Gary Jubas, Michael Hudak, Male Official Representative, will contact the involved parties.
Susan Werner and Dean Rossi made a motion to allow Saltsburg and Blairsville to form a cooperative sponsorship in the sport of Boys and Girls Track and Field.
Included with these minutes is an application for registration for official examination. This application must be filed in the PIAA Office at least ten (10) business days prior to the examination date to be eligible to take the officials’ examination.
Financial Reports
On a motion by Kathy Getz and Alberta Ake, the District 6 Committee unanimously approved the September Financial Report.
Thomas Orr from Young, Oakes, Brown & Co., P.C. presented the audit report for approval. On a motion by Dean Rossi and Vince Nedimyer, the Committee accepted the audit report for the year ending June 30, 2005. On a motion by David Crumrine and Craig Butler, the Committee accepted the bid proposal for a three-year contract with Young, Oakes, Brown & Co., P.C.
B & B Screen Printing & Embroidery and Specialty Promotions submitted bids for the t-shirts, hats and hooded sweatshirts. On a motion by Norman Krumenacker and Craig Butler, the bid was awarded to B & B Screen Printing and Embroidery from Clymer, PA.
On a motion by Gary Jubas and Susan Werner, Sherry Montgomery will be paid for additional hours that were required as part of the auditing process.
On a motion by Don Hosterman and Vince Nedimyer, the website coordinator fee will be increased to $1400.00.
Eligibility Hearings
Based on the consensus of the sending and receiving principals’ signature the eligibility transfers listed below were approved with the corresponding motions.
On a motion by Albert D’Ambrosia and Norman Krumenacker, Josh Conti was granted eligibility to participate in football at Homer Center based on Article III, Attendance, Section 3 with a 17-0 vote.
On a motion by Vince Nedimyer and Michael Hudak, Matthew Roesch was granted eligibility to participate in basketball at Bishop Guilfoyle based on Article III, Transfer and Residence, Section 8 with a 17-0 vote.
Foreign Exchange Eligibility Hearings
The following students have a J1 VISA and were approved to participate in sports on a motion from Susan Werner and Kathy Getz:
Rafal Olak Poland State College Football
Tatijana Kaulitz Germany State College Tennis
Weibke Reuter Germany Westmont Cross Country
Nora Tintner Germany Conemaugh Valley
Mariya Vezenicheva Russia Ligonier Valley Soccer
Corolina Schievenini Mexico Bishop Guilfoyle Tennis, Swimming
Michele Corbucci Italy Williamsburg
Charlotte Heiner Netherlands West Branch Volleyball
The next meeting of the PIAA District 6 Committee will be held on
Tuesday, November 8, 2005, at the Hollidaysburg Area High School at 3:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sherry I. Montgomery