PRINCIPALS: Please Share These Minutes with Your Athletic Director
Chairman Wotkowski called the meeting of the District 6 Committee to order at 3:30 PM at the Hollidaysburg Area High School. Present were: Ray Wotkowski, Michael Sakash, David Crumrine, Dean Rossi, Craig Butler, James Price, Thomas Kakabar, Kathy Getz, Kim Struble, Charles Koren, Vince Nedimeyer, Don Hosterman, David Heim, Alberta Ake, Gary Jubas, and Norman Krumenacher. Mike Hudak, who will replace David Heim in July, as Male’s Officials’ Representative, was also in attendance.
Approval of Minutes
The Minutes of the January 6, 2005, meeting were approved on a motion by Don Hosterman and Vince Nedimeyer.
David Heim and Kathy Getz reviewed the following disqualification forms. It has been brought to the District 6 Committee that the PIAA Sportsmanship Code is not being promoted enough. It is the intent that the PIAA Sportsmanship Code be emphasized aggressively among the schools. Please see to it that your school actively cooperates.
Bellefonte JH BB Player Profanity
Bishop Carroll JH BB Head Coach 2 unsporting technicals
Bishop Guilfoyle JH BB Head Coach 2 unsporting technicals
Bishop McCort JH BB Head Coach 3 unsporting technicals
Saltsburg JH BB Player Unsporting
Johnstown JH WR Player Biting
Blacklick JV GBB Player Punching
Philipsburg/Osceola BB Player Punching
Central Cambria BB Player 2 unsporting technicals
Chairman Wotkowski received a letter from Jeff Baird, Penn Cambria, regarding an incident between Mark Rydbom, basketball coach at Blairsville and Bruce Frycklund, basketball coach at Penn Cambria during a basketball game on January 10, 2005. The District VI Committee has accepted the actions taken by the Blairsville High School in regards to Mark Rydbom and Penn Cambria will mail all reports to Chairman Wotkowski by Monday, February 14, 2005. The following penalties will be imposed on both schools:
Probation in the sport of boys’ basketball, for 1 calendar year, effective immediately.
Public censure to both coaches communicated to both schools. (Public censure is intended to manifest a strong disapproval of the actions, which led to the imposition of this penalty, and is effected through its inclusion in the decision letter.)
Financial Reports
On a motion by Thomas Kakabar and Michael Sakash, the Committee approved the January Financial Report.
Don Hosterman gave a Financial Report on the Wrestling Team Duals.
Michael Sakash, Basketball Chairman, has asked that any District VI Committee Member attending the playoffs help monitor the crowd and report any concerns to the game manager at that site.
Foreign Exchange Eligibility Hearings
There were no foreign exchange hearings.
Eligibility Hearings
Based on the consensus of sending and receiving principals’ signature the following eligibility transfers were approved/not approved with the following motions.
On a motion by Kathy Getz and David Heim, Amanda Gray, transferring from Altoona to Hollidaysburg, is eligible for sports based on Article VI, Section 9, Transfer and Residence, with a vote of 12-0-3. Alberta Ake, Vince Nedimyer, and Dean Rossi abstain from voting.
On a motion by Norman Krumenacker and Kathy Getz, David Cox, transferring from Oviedo, FL to State College, was deemed ineligible for sports based on Article VI, Section 9, Transfer and Residence, with a vote of 2-12-1, Craig Butler abstain.
Dean Rossi and Michael Sakash made a motion to table the eligibility for Kurt Hoffman until a further date.
District VI Election of Representatives
The election of the six (6) Senior High Representatives, two (2) Middle School Representatives, and election of a second Athletic Director will be held at the Annual Banquet on April 12, 2005. Nominations must be forwarded to Sherry Montgomery, Secretary/Treasurer on school letterhead prior to March 18, 2005. Mail all nomination of candidates to the following address.
Sherry Montgomery
275 Montgomery Lane
Duncansville, PA 16635
Ballots will be mailed to building principals on Monday, March 21, 2005, and need to be return to Sherry Montgomery by April 8, 2005.
The Next Meeting
The next meeting of the PIAA District 6 Committee will be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2005, at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School at 3:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sherry I. Montgomery
Sherry Montgomery