District VI Winter AD Meeting

Wednesday, January 26, 2011



                Football:              Bald Eagle – week 1

Central Mountain – week 4

                                                Juniata – week 5

                                                Mifflin County – weeks 6, 7, 8 & 10

                                                Purchase Line – week 8

                                                Central – week 10

                Baseball:              Portage needs one team for a tournament on 4/30/11

                                                Portage is looking for one additional game in 2011

                Softball:               Lewistown needs on scrimmage for 2011

                Soccer:                 Hollidaysburg looking for Boy’s and Girl’s games for fall 2011

                Basketball (f):    Bishop Carroll needs varsity games for 2011-12

                                                Bishop Carroll needs Jr. High games for 2011-12 (winter)

                Basketball (m):  Bishop Carroll needs one team for holiday tournament 12/26/11 & 12/27/11

                                                Purchase Line needs one team for holiday tournament 12/27/11 & 12/28/11

                                                Homer Center is looking for two basketball games in 2011-12

                                                Marion Center needs one team for a tip-off tournament



1.       Call to order 10:01am

2.       Approval of minutes.  1st Mount Union, 2nd Bellwood-Antis.  All District VI members present except Belleville Mennonite, Homer Center and Huntingdon.  Saint Joseph’s of State College and Somerset was also in attendance.

3.       Financially, we are in good shape.  1st Purchase Line, 2nd Tyrone.  Motion passes.

4.       Chuck Gojmerac, on behalf of the District Baseball Chairman, Dr. David Crumrine, detailed legal bat information.  No questions at this time.

5.       Matt Shoemaker detailed to the group the merger of Indian Valley and Lewistown High Schools.  This will make them a AAAA school for the 2011-12 season.  H-burg asked if they can continue to fulfill their current commitments.  Their answer was that it appears possible at this time.

6.       West Branch described a hand out for a basketball triple threat hoops challenge.  T.J. Kakabar detailed the District VI basketball tournament information.  All information was again sent electronically this season.  Excel formatted spreadsheets will automatically calculate the points earned for the tournament.  Double check the correct classifications of your opponents.  Do not round up to .700 for the bonus points of your opponents winning percentage.  We ask that you submit the application back to TJ electronically.  This helps run the tournament more efficiently.  Marion Center asks if it is possible to make it public information that an opponent is .700 or better.  TJ said you need to call the school to find the correct record.  If they mis-inform you, you will not be held “liable” for providing this incorrect information.  Championship sites:  NEC changed their playoff structure.  Top 4 teams in conference will host a quarterfinal round.  SFU will most likely host on Friday, March 4th or Saturday, March 5th.  SFU might not be available to us early that week due to NEC conference rules for their visiting member institutions.  IUP, UPJ, State College and Hollidaysburg sites may be used again this year.  IUP cost structure might be a bit steep for what we can afford as a district but we are hoping they can work with us.  UPJ might have a conflict with the District V championships.  Johnstown War Memorial is not available due to the fact that they are hosting wrestling.  Due to all these reasons, TJ will keep us updated as best as possible.  District VI tries their best to accommodate all teams by playing them on the same nights.  Not always possible due to the same school playing in different classifications.  Weather is always as issue in Central PA.  DuBois in District IX will be playing thru our district this year.  They will be seeded and ranked according to our playoff structure.  Biggest change for this year:  How we handle pre-sale tickets!  We must now audit all of our tickets.  387 rolls of tickets needed to be audited last year.  Each school that enters will be assigned a roll of tickets for students and adults.  These tickets are not to be returned until you are out of the tournament.  Teams that win and continue on, you are responsible to make sure that you are keeping track of the tickets.  Rolls are of 250 tickets.  Boy’s and Girl’s tickets will be interchangeable this year.  If you are running low on tickets, contact TJ and he will make sure you get another roll of tickets.  The pre-sale ticket forms will also be sent electronically.  This will make both selling the tickets and reconciling the tickets easier.  Each team gets 10 comp. tickets for each game.  If you have 2 teams enter, you will receive an initial 20 comp. tickets.  If you win, you will get additional comp. tickets either from the game manager at the site or in the mail within a day or so.  TJ checks his email 3 to 4 times a day, so do not hesitate sending an email if you have a question.  The code of conduct for students and cheering sections will be part of an email that is forthcoming.  Please take the time to explain the rules to your cheerleading advisor and students attending the game prior to the tournament.  Body paint was an issue previously and it is addressed in the fan decorum.  Mike Hudak and Kathy Getz are the official representatives.  They will be making the official assignments for our tournament.  Please return your form to recommend officials for the tournament to Mike Hudak.

7.       Don Hosterman from Penns Valley discussed the wrestling tournament.  Dr. Dave Crumrine is now the assistant wrestling chairman.  Johnstown is the only school that did not receive a packet and should see Penns Valley at the end of the meeting.  The new updated AA schedule is in your packet.  AAA is a week after AA tournament.  No change with the AAA schedule.  $75 to enter the team duals and $7 per individual for the individual tournament.  Team duals starts next week.  By Friday noon, you must report all your results.  Results are included thru next Thursday’s meets.  If you wrestle a team outside of District VI, you need to get call that school and get their record as of Thursday night.  If you have no record for that team, you will only get points for the W or the L, - no additional points if you don’t provide a current record.  Top 4 seeds host the 1st round.  8 teams make the AA team duals.  Officials were picked by the committee for districts.  For AAA, top two teams will receive byes.  Top 6 make AAA team duals.  Third and fourth seeds will host the 1st round.  Forest Hills – NWCA has a scoreboard that you can look up any school in any state.  Forest Hills will email Rich Vetock that information so that it can be current for our tournament.  Those hosting will have to let Don know if you can host on Tuesday or Wednesday.  The 2nd place team in team duals will have to travel Monday night to play the District VIII champion.  16 AA and 16 AAA teams will make it to Hershey this year.  Individually, District VI will only get 4 individual qualifiers, not 5 like we usually do.  District VII has 7 individual qualifiers.  District VI will try again to get 5 qualifiers next year.

8.       Dean Rossi – not the rep for swimming but will give the details as the rep could not make today’s meeting.  AA will be in the morning and AAA in the afternoon on Friday.  If you do not have a team, you can have individuals enter the tournament if you “hook onto” another school that has a swim team to get qualifying times.  Swim packets were emailed a few days ago by Tim Walter of Bradford.  If you did not get one, contact either Tim or Sue Warner from State College.

9.       Ray Wotkowski detailed wrestling and football information under Old Business.  If you are not getting District VI minutes, let Dean or Ray know.  In July NFHS will have their annual convention in Philadelphia this year.  We are asking for donations of products for baskets for this national event.  If there is a business in your area that is looking for national exposure, Ray can make it work.  Guidelines for cheer sections – please look at it again and adopt it at a league or school level.  This will help with consistency in our tournament.  For volleyball, as a state board, they voted not to run a pool play tournament after districts for the 1st round of states.  For golf, range finders will be allowed for distance only.  6-8 hours of conferencing on golf alone this year at the state level.  Football – attendance is down significantly this year.  We did OK financially.  2 or 3 less games is significant.  18 game tournament.  We also had 2 regionals.  Lost money on the McDowell / State College game.  Payments to schools was in excess of $74,000.  It is a decrease of over $30,000 from the previous year.  Ray had a concern that 6 teams had a bye in A – that is not good.  Went to a 12 team bracket this year.  Question to the membership – continue looking at 12 team bracket and a 9 week schedule – or do we go to an eight team bracket?  AA – pain in the neck part is getting a week 10 games.  Should we look at a 9 week schedule also?  Ray believes the new governor will pinch our schools with finance.  Bellwood-Antis questioned doesn’t adding five to six thousand help you economically?  Ray’s response was not always as there are expenses the school board sees in traveling for a week 10 games.  LHAC would like to see a 9 game schedule.  Ray asks the leagues to come back to him with a recommendation on a 9 game schedule.  Ray has extra programs from football if you need them - please see him.  Bellefonte asks what Ray what he sees happening in AAA with only two schools remaining (Bellefonte and Johnstown).  We may have to play thru District IX next year.  Ray will have to discuss it with District IX.  Ray will inform us of the conversation.  Dean commented about golf.  Many conference calls about changing golf to two classifications from the current one.  PIAA does not want two classifications in golf.  We will get 4 qualifiers to move onto regionals.  After hours of debate, they are recommending to have two classifications for team golf.  This gives our smaller schools the chance to win a team championships and Dean is in favor of this opportunity.  Golf courses are hard to get for our tournaments – especially free.  The district does pay for the carts for the monitors.  Ray already found out that District VII crowns a small and large champion, but then merges them prior to the state tournament.  Ray questioned the position of the Wrestling representative to the Coaches Association and if he actually votes in the best interest of the people he is representing.

10.   Mike Bevilacqua from St. Joseph’s Academy introduced himself and informed the membership of the intention of his school to become a PIAA and District VI member.  Will be a grade 9 & 10 high school for the 2011 season (with a JV schedule).  Will be looking for JV games in 11-12 and 12-13.  Will probably go varsity in 2013-14.  Central Cambria asks about School Sports Media LLC.  If you deal with this company, please contact Ron Stempka.

11.   Open Dates – see above.

12.   Motion to adjourn – Marion Center 1st, Bald Eagle 2nd.  Motion Passes.


Respectively submitted,



Chuck Gojmerac
